Sunday, 11 January 2015

GMC Join Others to Condemns Gambia’s 30 Dec Abortive coup

GMC Leader with UDP Leader during 2011 Presidential Election

 The Gambia Moral Congress headed by a renowned legal luminary and politician, Mai Ahmad Fatty has condemns in strongest term the recent efforts by some Gambian to change the government of the Gambia through violent means.
In a statement posted on his official website,, The GMC Leader, who is the latest to join local and international organization to condemn the recent failed takeover stated: “
GMC condemns the recent effort by some Gambians to violently overthrow the government of The Gambia on the 30th December 2014. We strongly abhor attempts to change the political infrastructure of The Gambia through the medium of violence or other unconstitutional means. We strongly condemn all forms of violence as an instrument, in the realization or furtherance of political ambition or goals. We believe that political change should be effected democratically through free and fair electoral and electioneering processes, using all legitimate and constitutional avenues to bring about such change. We categorically reject any effort or access to political power in any manner whatsoever and howsoever, through the back-door. Legitimate power is derived from the voters and sovereignty belongs to the people. We believe the right to political power or it's sustenance should be in consequence of fraud-free and transparent exercise of the franchise by citizens of The Gambia, and not through the barrel of the gun or by electoral subterfuge. We support fully the inclusive, unlimited and unrestricted rights of all Gambians in a free, fair and equitable democratic process to change their government legitimately.  

GMC urges The Gambia government to expand the democratic space, enabling all Gambians, both at home and in the diaspora equal opportunity and avenue, to fully participate in national political and democratic processes, including the right to vote in inclusive, transparent and fraud-free electoral or electioneering processes. We call on the government to encourage legitimate public debate in all fora, enable meaningful equal access to information dissemination platforms, and the meaningful exercise of freedom of association. We strongly urge the APRC government to agree to immediate comprehensive electoral reforms, including the total overhaul of the voting system in genuine consultation with all stakeholders. It is imperative that an electoral process that provides realistic hopes of plurality be enthroned as a durable system that would clearly, affirmatively and emphatically imbue integrity and public confidence in the overall system. Hopelessness in any political process or participation spells ill-omen for the system, giving birth to desperate initiatives. Through governance practices, we should manifest hope and opportunity for our people, and learn from the lessons of negative political practices or experiments, to guide and inform our subsequent political attitude.

We call on Gambians to fully and vigorously exercise their constitutional rights in a manner consistent with the law. We also urge the government of The Gambia to fully respect the rights of all Gambians as enshrined in our Constitution and other laws of the land. This is opportunity for extensive national political conversation. We believe a genuine inclusive national political conference should be held without delay, with a view to comprehensively canalizing a national political consensus on the way forward on all fundamental issues of governance and statutory reforms. GMC shall be supportive and instrumental in all efforts that would strengthen the democratic processes, providing realistic avenue for democratic plurality. All Gambians, particularly the youths of The Gambia, deserve proper dividends of their true political participation, in consonance with their undiluted political will. Long Live the Republic of The Gambia!
Dated 11 January 2015

1 comment:

  1. In fact, some police departments charge their gm vin decoder citizens for the verification. I would recommend calling them first to see what their requirements are.
